
Does the youth of our country have a future here??

Posted on: November 7, 2011

Doom & Glum

By Tanya W.

It is scary how young people view the world today. They see there parents struggling to pay bills more and more families are living in consistent poverty. Young people are really feeling the pinch of the recession.

If your between 16-18 your more than likely looking at leaving Ireland to go in search of college or work. Leaving behind your whole life friends family and community yet not wanting to but seeing this as the only option you have.

Speaking to friends and hearing them going on about the siblings going half way around the world in search on jobs. With many of them doing it as most of their friends have gone and  is less and less to keep them here the government are hitting them from every angle. Services are being cut social has been drop to ridiculous rates and people just can’t afford to live an average life here.

Young people who are in secondary school have the fear of asking their parents to go on the school trip’s. I even know of someone who got in trouble with the school for not going on a trip as it was compulsory, yet when brought to parents attention they didn’t know about it and the child explained he hadn’t told them as he knew they couldn’t afford for him to go so he didn’t ask. im sure this is happening all across the country. Which is frightening.

According to statistics I come across for last year we had the highest rate emigration in the european union. With 9 in 1,000 people leaving the country.  which im sure has gone up as this year has been worse than last and we’ve get to get the new budget. can we really afford to lose this many young people.

Yet with further cuts in youth services and college being more expenses and harder for people to go it’s not surprising. I don’t think the government are doing enough to stop us from loosing all of our young people. when the are spending money on having pointless referendums to see if they can cut judges pay. why wouldn’t you everyone else has had to take cuts so why not them??

i just afraid of what the country will be like in 5 years if the country keeps going the way its going as I don’t think we will have many young people and we will also have lost well-educated and trained young people.

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